The Gifts of the Spirit for a New Generation

The Gifts of the Spirit for a New Generation

Regular price $14.95 Sale

The Gifts of the Spirit for a new generation is not a study of generational characteristics as much as it is a call for a new generation, whether spiritual or chronological, to grasp the necessity and practicality of the Spirit’s gifts as the infinite overflow of God’s compassion for broken humanity. Discover both the hindrances to the gifts and keys to cultivating a life of supernatural fruitfulness. Question and Answer section and Group Discussion questions included.

The passionate pursuit of the workings of God by His Spirit can only be a pursuit for God Himself. Our God is an overflowing fountain of compassion pouring forth in such measure as to be mistaken for raw power. This fullness of compassion, given as gifts to advance His divine purposes in us and to the world, is not found at new and exotic places. These gifts are where they have always been, “All my springs are in You” (Ps. 87:7; 42:7). But these must be rediscovered by every generation.